Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) extends partial financial support, on selective basis, for organising such events (National as well as International). Academic institutions, research laboratories, professional bodies and other non-profit organisations, engaged in promoting scientific research, are eligible for financial support under the scheme. The support is primarily given to encourage participation of young scientists and research professionals in such events along with nominal support for pre-operative expenses like announcements brouchers etc.
The primary focus of the scheme is to support events having strong orientation towards scientific research in the areas of basic sciences, engineering, technology, agriculture & medicines. Events dealing with social science, management and those purely concerned with policy matters are generally not encouraged but may be considered as an exceptional case if there is a strong interface with mainstream areas of support. The scientific/technical contents of the events, thematic relevance, contextual impact and extent & level of participation are key components for deciding the support worthiness and quantum of support for individual events.