November 29, 2024

DBT-EU joint call on “Horizon-CL5-2024-D3-02-03: Development of smart concepts of integrated energy driven bio-refineries for co-production of advanced biofuels, bio-chemicals and biomaterials

 Collaboration in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) plays an increasingly important role in the EU-India Strategic Partnership. In line with the EU-India Strategic Partnership: A Roadmap to 2025, and the Joint Science and Technology Steering Committee meeting on 12 February 2021, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), has identified calls for proposals in the Work programmes 2023-2024 of the EU R&I Research and Innovation Programme ‘Horizon Europe’, which it considers of mutual interest and aiming at jointly tackling global challenges. For this, DBT has established a mechanism outlining the conditions upon which it will co-fund the successful Indian entity/ies and in which call topics (hereafter CoFunding Mechanism or CFM). The CFM will apply to the call topics earmarked by DBT in areas of pandemic preparedness and response, brain disorders, biofuels and healthy & environmentally-friendly food. 

Last Date: 4 February 2025